D.M. Sabia & Co., Inc.’s safety program has four key elements:
Management Commitment
Hazard Identification and Correction
Education and Training
Employee Involvement
To further these four elements, the Safety Program includes:

Active Safety Committee
Monthly safety meetings are conducted by executive management and attended by staff and field representatives. The President of the Company, attends and participates in these monthly meetings. Incidents, hazards, recognizing employees who contributed to the safety efforts in the field, and training needs are among the topics addressed each month.

Safety Observation Sighting (SOS) Program
D.M. Sabia & Co., Inc.’s SOS program is a formal procedure where personnel report substandard or noteworthy field conditions affecting employee safety and health to both the site and the D.M. Sabia & Co., Inc. management so that prompt corrective action can be taken.

Weekly Safety Training
Safety toolbox talks are conducted every week at every construction job site, using training and information materials prepared for the construction trades.

Annual Safety Meeting
Each year on a Saturday in February D.M. Sabia & Co., Inc. holds an all staff Safety Meeting. There is a presentation given to review the year in safety as well as a guest speaker and demonstrations. Demonstrations include, JSA’s, how to complete an incident report, and more. There is a $500 Visa gift card raffle for each month of the previous year that was incident free. At the 2020 Safety Meeting all field personal were given new OSHA approved safety helmets.